Sunday, February 09, 2025 |
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Two-Tier Affiliate
The #1 Affiliate
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Affiliate Program and get paid commissions for helping your visitors find high profile
domain names and a company that will assist them in their search for premium quality
domain names at exceptional prices! It's EASY and it's FREE to join.
We invite you to become
part of the Affiliate Network, earning additional revenue from your web
site. We'd love to have you as a member of the team. As an affiliate member you can now
earn 15% on every sale - AND - the best part is that you earn commissions on products that
have a price range of $500 to $100,000. No more $0.50 and $1.00 commissions for selling a
book, CD, MP3 etc. For the same amount of effort that it takes to sell a book you can earn
between $75 and $15,000 per click-through by joining the
Affiliate Network.
This program pays you a
commission for every customer click-through from your site to that results
in a successful sale of a domain name or results in the use of our domain name consulting
services that we offer to companies and individuals.
Our new two-tier referral system lets you earn income from sales generated from your web site, as well as on the sales generated by Affiliates you refer to the program. (Your second tier). You earn an unrivaled commission of 15% for every premium domain name sale that comes from your web site. And you earn an additional 5% for every domain name sale made through a Sub-Affiliate that you have referred!
Our affiliates have the
potential to earn thousands per month. Sign up as a affiliate. Work with
an industry leader! It's fast, it's easy and it's profitable!
SIGN UP NOW for our Affiliate program that CNN has called "One of the most impressive Internet affiliate programs ever designed". Earn even more income by referring other affiliates to us. (You receive 5% of their sales) It's easy .... and it's FREE!
Have a question? Check out the following FAQ section, or send us a note.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Affiliate Network?
The Affiliate Network is a terrific marketing opportunity for web site
that see the profit potential of partnering with a company that sells premium quality
domain names and domain name consulting services. This is the #1 Affiliate program with
possible commissions exceeding $5,000 for just one click-through!
What are the responsibilities of ensures
the highest level of service for its customers. We courteously handle the transaction,
processing, and deliver excellent customer service. will provide you with
the tools and assistance you need to link to our site. We will provide you
with graphics and banners for your web site. We will make sure that your visitors have an
excellent shopping experience because our customers are your customers, and we want you to
look good.
Does it cost anything to become an
No. There is no cost. Simply join us and you'll be on your way to making commissions.
How often do Affiliates get paid?
Affiliates are automatically paid by check every month on the
15th. Checks are written for accounts with balances of $10.00 (U.S. Dollars) or more. The
checks are mailed by the first of the following month.
Can I view my account activity? provides 24-hour access to
detailed reports that allow you to track sales and traffic activity. These reports will
help you maximize your revenue.
Can I make money if I refer other Webmasters?
Yes. With our two-tier Affiliate Program you have the ability to earn even more income by referring other affiliates to us. (You receive 5% of their sales) It's easy .... and it's FREE! And it is very simple. Click here to join now! The new sub-affiliates will join our Affiliate Program by clicking on your banner, which will deliver them to the Web site. At that point, when they join the Affiliate Program, our sophisticated software will recognize the new sub-affiliate as coming from your site and will automatically give you 5% of their sales.
I am a member of ClickTrade. Can I join your affiliate program using my ClickTrade account?
Is there a limit to the amount of money I can earn as an Affiliate?
No, there is no limit. Whether one domain name is purchased through your site or fifty domain names, you are guaranteed to earn 15% commissions from those sales and an additional 5% for every sale made by a Sub-Affiliate that you have referred!
How Do I Join?
Click here and complete the online application. Once we receive your application, we'll send you all the information and tools that you need to get started.
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